Space Slayer (Mini Jame Gam 11)

Space Slayer is a 3D action game created for Mini Jame Gam 11 over the course of 60 hours (quite a few more hours have been poured into it in version 2.0 though). The theme for this jam was “Delivery” and there was a required object that had to be included in your game, it was “A Sword.”
In Space Slayer, the player, “Sarge”, has a Light Sword and is contacted by Dr. Ava Ming, a scientist who warns him that the sword is causing dimensional rifts to appear in the ship and that it needs to be brought to her in order to be calibrated/and to stop the enemies from attacking. The player must navigate through the ship, unlocking various colored doors by accessing the corresponding terminal, avoiding traps and defeating enemies. There is also a “berserk” mechanic in the game where once the player’s gained enough energy they’re able to activate berserk mode which significantly boosts stats for a short time.
During this game jam, I lead a team of mostly, new to jam, developers. I helped with game design, enemy AI (the first time I’ve used Behavior Trees in UE), implementation of audio via FMOD and I did just about all of the post jam clean up to finish up the game. That includes fixing bugs, optimization, adding the cinematics, adding the dialogue UI text feature and general improvements to what we couldn’t finish in time.
The thing that I’m most proud of from this game is creating the cinematics using Sequencer in UE. This is going to sound crazy but I didn’t even look anything up for how to use it. It’s pretty intuitive on its own and I know enough about the engine now that I was able to figure it out by just clicking around. I created a cinematic for both the main menu and the boss intro and I think both came out great, check them out below!