Week 10 Levels 4-6 Continued
This week we continued to polish up levels 4, 5 and 6 and we worked on several other pieces of the game too. In fact there were so many changes it almost doesn’t seem like the same game. You may have already watched the video I created to submit to the TERMINUS conference’s game competition, if not you can see it here: https://sethrolfe.com/2017/04/07/terminus-conference-submission/. I also created a new video to show off what I worked on this week which can be seen below.
I’m very proud of our team and what we’ve accomplished in such a short amount of time. In just a month we’ll know if we were chosen as finalists for the TERMINUS conference and a couple weeks after that we’ll be graduated from Full Sail.
Here’s what we completed this past week:
- Continued to create and replace prefabs with new artwork (Fan platforms, Buttons, The male’s clone, Shrines).
- Polished up levels 4-6.
- Implemented our character models with basic movement animations.
- Added a nice looking menu and title screen.
- Revamped level 2 so that it was less confusing.
- Many other small changes…